Old Drum Network An Alternative News Source for Warrensburg and Johnson County Missouri
Candidate Interview, November 5, 2002 General Election
121st Legislative District - David Pearce (Republican)
For Warrensburg Free Press
Tax issues
Defeat of Proposition B was no surprise and showed lack of trust in the highway department. Before any taxes are discussed, the 15 year plan must be addressed and the department reorganized for accountability. Toll roads should be investigated for main travel routes, after surveying the traveling public. Those who use highways the most should pay the most, and all gas taxes should go directly to road construction. The highway patrol and mass transit should be paid from the general fund.
The Hancock Amendment should remain as it is, as the reasons are sound.
Yes. TIF was originally for blighted areas that were not experiencing growth; now it is being applied to areas such as the Plaza and has been abused.
Spending has grown - from $9 billion to $19 billion in 10 years. While tax credits and refunds have reduced funds, the slowing economy has been a factor.
Would need to see specifics before would endorse it and care would be needed to make sure it wasn�t regressive.
School issues
Noting that similar efforts failed in the recent legislator and a petition drive didn�t gain enough signatures, he would support placing this on the ballot.
Other sources of funding, such as allowing sales taxes, should be explored.
This should be a local decision and not dictated by the state
Does not support school vouchers because it erodes funding for public education.
No, not for unpaid volunteer positions.
Gun Issues
Would have voted for proposals in the recent legislature but believes that the issue should be decided by public vote. Restrictions should include training on safety, when to use, liability, safe storage, etc. as well as places concealed carry should not be allowed, such as schools, public buildings, airports and banks
Does not believe state needs to be more restrictive than federal rules; background checks now required should be sufficient.
Yes. Guns are easier to use from a distance so greater responsibility should be assigned for their misuse.
Yes. Certain crimes demand public retribution. Some restrictions are appropriate, such as the recently-passed prohibition on executing mentally handicapped. Believes that mechanisms in place for preventing execution of innocent.
Security Issues
U.S. is basically at war and extraordinary measures may be needed. Law abiding citizens should have nothing to worry about.
Warrants should be required with just cause but the approval process for warrants should be streamlined and delegated.
From the point of view of the banking industry, current identification (typically drivers license) is easy to counterfeit. Would like to have ID systems that would be hard to counterfeit and be more fail safe. They should get away from using the social security number as identity proof. Did not address capture of other data on such a card.
Liberties Issues
Tends to disagree, but believes it must be looked at in case-by-case basis.
Believes abortion should be allowed in cases of rape, incest and physical danger to mother�s life. Believes both sides of debate should work on areas of common agreement, such as the recent �Baby Moses law� that allows mothers to turn newborns over to authorities without penalty. No tax money should be used for abortions and care is required in supporting family planning groups that also sell abortion services due to the possibility their counseling would not be objective. Would vote to ratify a constitutional amendment banning most abortions.
This is ongoing battle worth continuing to fight. Opposes decriminalization of drugs and legalization of medical marijuana.
Oppose state mandates. Should be a local decision but all county residents, including those already in a zoned area, should vote on the issue.
Government issues
Yes. Thinks should be applied to state offices not subject to limits (Secretary of State, Attorney General).
Yes. People put their careers on hold to serve and shouldn�t have to sacrifice retirement plans.
Accessible. Stay in contact with constituents via email, phone, personal contact.
Some things are positive. Cultural events help attract business. Aid should be to help establish an event, etc., rather than to provide ongoing support. With a tight state budget increases may be difficult to provide
No. There are plenty of anti-discrimination laws. Believes could be used to allow abortion on demand.
Environmental issues.
Don�t know.
Must differentiate between family farms and mega-farms
Noted that mega-farms in other areas are still having spills under current controls.
Economic issues
Be aggressive, try to attract industry but also need to work to retain existing industry. Can�t keep adding taxes and regulations because plants can close or move. The Department of Economic Development should have fewer people in Jefferson City and more out in the state.
Thinks tourism is very important, did not address other commercial development as state issue.
AMTRAK is a resource to the district and would like to se it continue. State needs to fight for river flows that support barge traffic as alternate transportation does affect highway traffic. Believes that urban transit is successful in St. Louis and notes that all forms of transportation are subsidized to some extent.
Believes this will be decided at Federal level. Supports Republican plan to condition assistance on age and income, including a pharmacy insurance program.
Yes. Malpractice reform is needed because costs are especially hard on providing service to rural areas. Also need to look at overall liability/tort reform issues as everybody pays for higher awards through higher retail and insurance prices.
Candidate Additions
Believes the legislature must address the budget early in the session as that�s the key issue for next year.
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