Candidate Interview, April 6, 2004 Municpal Election
City Council - Don Nimmer
Transcribed interview, basis for Warrensburg Free Press article March 11 issue
Interview was conducted on 3/1 at Dr. Nimmeer's residence.
What do you see as most important qualifications for a council person?
Have to look at the expectations, ask if we have the resources, if not, figure where the money would come from the meet the expectations. If expectations strong enough, would need additional taxes to meet them. Taxes must be linked to needs & expectations.
Question if the sales tax should be on all items purchased, has issues with taxes on necessities. Noted that state & federal funds for grants are drying up.
Stores are located on Holden and Pine Streets, and Pine is thought to be hard to park on evenings. Difficult to deal with the issue. Recent change to Holden positive, need to finish Holden then do Pine. Pine is seen as sufficiently different – hard to get buildings renovated, don’t see a coordinated effort there as on Holden St. Would like to see downtown thrive.
Get more activity. We get visitors due to WAFB and CMSU, but what other rasons are there to come. Clinton does golfing weekends, we're just as good if would work together on it. For example, the year the air show and the downtown festival were on at the same time and people were shuttled form town to the show. Need to look for package deals.
Agree with the effort to bring in industry. It's a trade-off – will they come in and what are we willing to pay for it. That's the reason for tax incentives. Question is what should the balance of incentives be – we must be ingenious.
Don't really know specifics in this area.
Use infrequently as it often causes more trauma than wanted. Use judiciously.