Fund Sources (revenue) | FY 00 Budget | FY 00 Actual YTD as of July 2001 |
My Comments | FY 98 Budget | FY 98 Actual | FY 99 Budget | FY 99 Actual |
Beginning Balance | $0.00 | $9,308.21 | Budget omits carryover. I show actual carryover in range of $25,000 | $0.00 | $2,657.18 | $0.00 | $23,106.32 |
Lodging Tax Revenue | $56,000.00 | $44,934.16 | $54,000.00 | $46,517.10 | $54,000.00 | $47,147.84 | |
Other Revenue | $0.00 | $556.25 | Budget does not include state cooperative marketing money. For FY99, doesn't identify source of actual, which is probably state money. | $0.00 | $75.00 | $0.00 | $5,305.62 |
Total Available | $56,000.00 | $45,490.41 | $65,308.21 budget if their calculation of carryover included, considerably higher per my calculations. The YTD figure does not include the carryover. | $54,000.00 | $49,249.26 | $54,000.00 | $63,083.44 |
Fund Uses (expenses) interpolated due to changes in GWACC&VC's accounting categories |
FY 00 Budget | FY 00 Actual YTD as of July 2001 |
My Comments | FY 98 Budget | FY 98 Actual | FY 99 Budget | FY 99 Actual |
Chamber Programs | $11,200.00 | $9,308.21 | This is the 20% allocated to the Chamber, without a specific legal justification as to how it supports "tourism." | $10,800.00 | $7,739.47 | $10,800.00 | $13,373.40 |
Personnel (wages, benefits, employer expenses) | $33,380.00 | $22,730.23 | Combines "Office Operations" and "Employee Expenses" for FY2000. Combines "Personnel", "Medical" & "Employers Expenses" for FY 99 & earlier | $17,000.00 | $12,328.33 | $31,780.00 | $27,986.12 |
Tourism Promotions. Combines "Promotions" and "Brochure" for FY99 and "Advertising" for FY00 | $8,320.00 | $13,458.55 | The FY00 budget does not include the state's share of the co-op marketing program, but the actual cost does. | $17,500.00 | $6,027.41 | $10,000.00 | $13,162.88 |
Telephones | $350.00 | $872.79 | No information provided on what is included. | $1,500.00 | $47.73 | $100.00 | $319.99 |
Computer Related, shown in FY99 as "Computer Hardware-Software" | $500.00 | $333.07 | So they can maintain their website themselves. The July 2000 report showed the actual at that time as $4,534.61; it appears they "un-spent" some money. | $0.00 | $0.00 | $1,320.00 | $3,705.93 |
Office Costs: FY00 includes "Postage", "Contracted Printing" & "Office Supplies". These were not broken out specifically in previous years | $950.00 | $986.95 | The July 2000 report showed $960 for postage, but it disapepared from the end-of-year report. | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 |
Start-up Cost | $0.00 | $0.00 | $7,200.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | |
Building Expense | $1,300.00 | $1,499.57 | The July 200 report showed $1198 for utilities, which disappeared from the final report. One would think this should come from the Chamber Programs share? | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 |
Other Projects | $0.00 | $139.74 | They show no monthly expenditures but show something in the total? The July 2000 report showed $2668 for "Other", which disappeared from the end-of-year. Some was likely office supplies, but the rest? | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 |
Total Uses (expenses) - including the "Chamber Percent" | $56,000.00 | $48,867.47 | Because of changes in accounting, changes between reports, and mathematical errors, I cannot determine what an accurate figure is. | $54,000.00 | $26,142.94 | $54,000.00 | $58,548.52 |
Fund Balance (they call it "net income") | $0.00 | ? | I cannot reconcile their reported carryover from FY98 of $7,080.77 with my calculations. In addition, their net income figures for FY99 don't add up on a spreadsheet! | $0.00 | $23,106.32 | $0.00 | $9,308.21 |